The two handprints were distributed in a semi-collision.


Meng Fei’s ten-stage repair of the earth star is comparable to that in the early days of nature, plus the practice of near-life-and-death knowledge. However, the power of Meng Fu’s seven martial arts is impressive.
Hum at that time the careless move Tianchen realm strength Yuwen Di actually stuffy hum a face slightly a white feet even take a few steps back to look at Meng Fei eyes full of shock.
He was in the wind for the first time.
Although he moved Tianchen’s realm strength, it was still unbearable for him.
And the stone terrace is huge.
This change makes people instantly open their mouths and their eyes are full of incredible colors.
It seems that this repair is not weaker than Tianchen from the hand situation just now.
How is it possible that this is said to be a strong planet? How can Tianchen’s strength break out?
It’s a pity that although he has such strength, he still absolutely competes with Yuwen Di. After all, Yuwen Di just moved Tianchen’s realm strength, and Yuwen Di may not leave his hand.
However, everyone talked about it before Yu Wendi added an extra spell to his left hand. This spell suddenly burned and melted the dust.
At the same time, Yuwen Dishi also showed a layer of pale blue ripples, and his body breath exploded in a short moment, and his aura swept Meng Fei away.
In the previous battle, he always used this spell to suppress his true strength because, in his opinion, people here didn’t let him qualify for strength.
But all of a sudden, the number one rival now gave him a little prestige, and he was determined not to let Meng Fei leave the stone platform alive.
This man is poor after he dies.
Moreover, if you kill this person, Hou Fu will lose a right-hand man, and you will be able to deal with Hou and others better in the future.
Just now, he punched other Jie teenagers in Houfu, but they just warmed up for foreplay. Now it’s a good thing for Meng Fei to move the door to give him a chance to experience a really hearty battle and test his true strength.
Outside the gas field, regulating and controlling the power of the Lord killed Yu Wendi, and saw this special gas field come into play. Meng Fei’s eyes turned slightly and completely understood Yu Wendi’s idea of killing himself.
Ha, ha, ha. At this time, Yuwen Di suddenly gave a long laugh. Many clouds on the Stone Terrace were fluctuating and shaking. His voice was colder than cold, and he could feel the murder in my heart. I really underestimated you.
It doesn’t seem that you are so deeply hidden. No wonder Xuemiaoer still attaches great importance to me for you. She only gives you some courtesy because you can practice the charm, but I didn’t expect that you are not far behind people in your heart.
But your potential is so great that I can’t let you go this time. It’s enough to waste you. Now I really want to kill you. Chapter two hundred and sixty-five Show your strength at the beginning
Just because you want to kill me, in this case, Meng Fei didn’t hide his strength. It was necessary for him to improve his strength. Layers of white gas mans filled his body and quickly condensed into substantial protective armor.
This is Yu Wendi who wants to take advantage of Meng Fei’s momentum to break him at the peak, but when he saw this, Meng Fei’s armor was immediately surprised, and you also reached the realm of nature.
Hey, if you don’t experience it carefully, you’ll know that it’s an understatement and directly look at Yu Wendi’s temptation
No matter if you don’t reach the realm of nature, you will die today. Yu Wendi can’t stand it any longer. A scorching sun is shining in his hand, and now many firm but gentle swords are gathered into a big sun Excalibur and chopped at Meng Fei.
Meng Fei’s hand now has a knife with a faint light and a cold stab. The dark golden blood has gathered into a special pattern. It keeps weaving a soul sound from the battlefield of ghosts and gods in Yu Wendi’s mind.
At the moment, Yu Wendi actually had a taste of being mastered by people.
The feeling that Meng Fei is cutting his own life is very unknown in his mind now. Terror represents that his heart has been taken away by the other party.
Damn Yuwen Di roar loud, qiankun sword once again urged the sword awn to shine on all the stone terraces to disperse and defog, and even the soil on the ground was cut off by the firm but gentle, revealing bare rocks.
His firm but gentle fan to Meng Feidang crosscutting in the past.
Meng Fei didn’t flinch at all. In the middle, a cold stab and a shock came, and thousands of stab shadows came. The dark golden stab film exhibition with Peacock Screen actually tore the sword mans and directly stabbed Yu Wendi’s eyebrows.
Yuwen Dishen yelled at a huge earthquake. Don’t you dare to spin the Excalibur in his palm for hundreds of times in the blink of an eye. In the high air, Meng Fei’s cold stab collided with each other
Listen to be one
Two people again points Yuwen Di repeatedly retreat personal body unstable on the ground.

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