The most famous and popular girl magician in mainland China, Suo Laka, the only person with voodoo, the stone claw mountain range, the actual heir to the south of the West Storm Plain, the whole little princess of Varolan people.


He loves
This is an epic wedding.
It is also a wedding that is destined not to be blessed by most people.
At this wedding, more than half of the mainland people’s hostility turned into hundreds of thousands of swords, and they were waiting outside King Noxas.
Prepare to send a deadly gift
At this wedding, there was only one king city left in the whole territory of Noxas.
Noxas is about to die.
Several fears, tempers, timidity, anger and sadness are mixed together with the relaxed atmosphere of joy and celebration that fills the whole city at the same time, which condenses into a picture that is more obscure than words.
The apocalyptic picture?
Or the picture of rebirth
Fortunately, fortunately,
Anne’s parents were alive at the time of this wedding, and they did not object to this wedding, which was almost opposed by people all over the mainland.
And Chen Senran’s friends and good friends are also here, and he has received all the blessings.
Everyone should be here.
Shouldn’t be outside the city when everyone is outside
The grand wedding in the morning at the moment when the sun jumped out of the horizon
It started.
The streets of Noxas, which look old and dirty on weekdays, have been cleaned.
All the dilapidated old buildings on the ground also glow with different retro styles. Even those shops that look worse than bleak on weekdays faintly highlight the centuries-old history of Knox Sass.
There is no rain in the sky, acid rain is coordinated by magic potion, and it rains all day long. The surface city of Nokesas is rarely covered with good sunshine.
This is a better day than it looks.
Grand music sounded from the sacred mountain of the Supreme Military Department.
Chen Senran took his little bride step by step from the mountain road of the army.
They are all dressed up today.
From the old royal family of Noxas, the royal tailors have never been cut off. They have tailored a two-body gift with Noxas style.
Dark black is like two black roses, which are full of the whole dress. Cloth-like non-cloth materials have found the perfect point of convergence in weakness and hardness. Without a trace of unnecessary embellishment, the whole dress has been stripped of worldly jewels and added a bit of coldness and strangeness. Finally, the simple and cold aesthetics of Noxas Black Rose Dynasty have been shown to the extreme.
I have to say that these are two sets of runes, a wedding ceremony today.
Or the most suitable.
Because today is not only a wedding, but also a war
This is both a gift and a shirt!
The mountain road of the military department is longer than the mountain road.
Long is just like a person’s life path.
Chen Senran came step by step holding Annie’s hand.
There is also a meaning of silently swearing to be together for life.
Even if my life is today.
The last step of "kicking-"
Chen Senran dragged Anne’s little hand and slowly led her up the steps.
On the steps is the old town of Noxas, which has been dusty for a long time.
In the desolate urban forests, there are no people without cheering.
Black roses covered every visible road, and soldiers were standing on both sides of the road.
This is the biggest wedding and it is destined to be the most bloody wedding.
Because of murderous look, it has spread all over the city, revealing from every rose petal.
The original grand music on the top of the mountain has been transformed into another tune to kill blood and iron.
That was the earliest military song in Noxas.
It’s called broken array song
It is said that the emperor of Noxas sang a song when he was rushed out in a desperate situation when he was besieged.
That time he was holding his wife’s hand, the first queen of Knox.
This is the song of the great emperor
It’s also a pledge song
It is the most determined to be together.
"Is it a little shabby?" Chen Senran held Annie’s hand and looked at her with her eyes closed and smiled.
"Well …" Annie shook her head and smiled.
"That’s good." Chen Senran took Annie on a long black car.
It’s a wedding, and so is the long bus.
Prewar parade chariot

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