"good! Such a swordsmanship and an imperial sword can also reach the extreme of swordsmanship.


Female emperor, you are one of the best female players. I really admire your strength!
So I won’t perfunctory you, let you have a good understanding of what my swordsmanship is like. "
I admired Pang Xia’s right hand, but I saw the nine handles of Nu Wa’s nine swords and nine colors of sword light converging on Pang Xia’s right hand.
With the constant gathering of nine-color sword light, the nine-yuan fairy sword goes from the hilt to the body and finally to the tip.
Slowly appeared in Pang Xia’s hand, and finally changed from the nine-handled Nu Wa Excalibur to the nine-yuan Excalibur!
Pang Xia slowly draws an arc in front of him with a nine-yuan fairy sword in his hand.
Suddenly, the ground was drawn by Pang Xia’s nine-yuan fairy sword, and the green grass grew out of it.
Then the natural scene of the whole ring appeared in front of everyone.
Sea, jungle, grassland, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, desert ice sheets …
Wait, the scenery appears alternately in the ring around Pang Xia.
At the same time, the rotation of the four seasons also appears alternately with the scenery
At this time, a firm but gentle spirit filled with the artistic conception of metaplasia emerged from Pang Xia’s nine-yuan fairy sword.
The female emperor immediately felt great pressure when she looked at Pang Xia’s sword with green light and nine yuan Xianjian.
But the arrow is imminent and I have to send it!
Now that the female emperor has decided to take a chance to win the game, she will naturally not give up halfway!
A crisp drink female emperor hands folded overhead immediately toward PangXia suddenly chop.
See the black sword roar with Wan Jun firm but gentle from toward PangXia chop chop.
Pangxia looked up at the huge black Excalibur face slightly and there was no hard expression.
Slowly raise the nine-yuan fairy sword in your hand, Pang Xia, and stab it toward the semi-black giant sword!
Metaplasia is a sword! Everything is metaplasia!
This sword pierced a part as if everything in heaven and earth had become firm but gentle.
It’s as if the object that the black giant sword wants to chop is that everything in this world is like a tree!
A loud noise came from the black sword.
See the black sword collapse from the Ministry to turn nine Excalibur handles scattered around the ring.
The female emperor looked at slowly closing the sword to the word sword box PangXia nai shook his head.
If she still has the idea of looking for Pang Xia to calculate the accounts before.
So now the female emperor has finished those thoughts about Pang Xia.
After all, it is no longer a level to face a strong man who can force the other side to make a serious sword by himself.
In the face of Pang Xia, the so-called sea tactics of the master at this level have no effect.
Only by making experts at the same level can they pose an effective threat to them.
However, when the sun and the moon are at the root, there is no master of this level.
According to the analysis of the female emperor, there are many people who can pose a threat to Pang Xia among the players.
But it is not possible to be hired by her and then deal with Pang Xia.
Therefore, it is better to put hate on Pang Xia in his heart than to put it well.
Anyway, it’s not a big dispute between the female emperor Sun Moon and Pang Xia.
What’s more, the female emperor’s younger brother Tai and Pang Xia are very good friends.
Therefore, it is a wise choice to do a good job in the sun, the moon and the moon and Pang Xia at the starlight reception.

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