It was a sensation at that time.


Even Ann’s father has expressed his feelings.
It was only after this man died that Ann’s father realized that the young man had bought the land to build a headquarters for himself.
AnXiaoYa look a bit subtle.
The place where the headquarters is built can be easily given up. This stock king, who has always been famous for his deep pockets and accurate vision, is really generous!
"Dad, you saved the one who should be surnamed Qi today." An Xiaoyanai told his father about it.
"Last name is Qi?"
Chapter 24 Goo Goo Gee Ball
After all, it is limited to make wings every day, but I don’t know what will happen. Although the jelly-like texture of the ground is not quite right for An Xiaoya, she still puts her wings away and measures the ground with her own legs.
It wasn’t long before An Xiaoya saw a different color when she walked in the direction she had remembered before.
It’s not the same color as when you suddenly look at it in the past.
This isn’t really a place where black and green photograph.
But something really like a sea island.
A black and brown "ground" with various "green plants"
An Xiaoya doesn’t know what this texture looks like when she steps on jelly. Things will look like a real island.
Now she has two guesses.
The first one here is something that can make a model according to the real ocean, that is, this kind of jelly
Second, it’s nature’s ingenuity that makes this place look like a real ocean. Second,
Third, it was once an ocean! But I don’t know what happened to make everything look like this.
There are all three possibilities.
The first and second words are nothing, but the third possibility is to make An Xiaoya frown.
She doesn’t know what can turn the world into this except time.
And even if things change with time, it doesn’t change like this!
It is possible for the sea to become a mulberry field!
Frowning around this "island", An Xiaoya found that there seems to be a plant model but no animals!
Not even flying in the sky, drilling in the water and swimming!
And more importantly-how can she get out of here!
Finally, I took a look at the island. An Xiaoya turned and left for another island. What if I found something?
But only a few steps after she left, she felt a line of sight looking at herself.
An Xiaoya turned and saw something flash by.
That thing should be black and it’s not very big.
She frowned but relaxed.
Anyway, this is not a dead zone, which is actually good news for An Xiaoya.
If there is a living thing, then she can live.
From the method?
There is always a way out when people are alive!
It is impossible for wings to fly away.
Because the distance just fell is forbidden, otherwise she won’t let herself fall. She will spread her wings and fly away just after falling!
Besides, you really can’t fly at such a high distance!
AnXiaoYa saw just that line of sight master turned and continued to walk in the established direction.
But the body unconsciously entered a state of preparedness.
Ready to fight anytime, anywhere!
And behind her, a dark blue to black ball landed quietly on the "sea" and looked as if it were integrated with the jelly sea.
And it looks like a soft sphere, but a pair of eyes are showing a terrible shirt!
An Xiaoya didn’t know that the ball was looking at herself. Although she was on guard, she didn’t really recognize that the owner of the line of sight would attack her just now.
So move on.
Soon she came to an "island"
This island is much bigger than the previous one, and there is a much smaller island not far from it, which seems to be accompanied.
There are fewer "green plants" here than before.
Just to AnXiaoYa saw a ball that was squatting in a daze.
Yeah, it’s just a daze
The ball didn’t seem to notice the arrival of An Xiaoya, and it collapsed to the ground with a pair of misty eyes looking at the unknown direction.
An xiaoya …
What is this thing?
Although the jelly floor is soft, it will make walking quiet.
However, it was because of the soft spot that when An Xiaoya approached the ball, the "sea surface" around the ball moved slightly.
So the ball came foggy, and his eyes suddenly showed their sharpness and looked in the direction of An Xiaoya.
For a second, it seems that An Xiaoya is not a threat to himself. After that, the ball will be taken back from his eyes and become a blank look without focal length again.

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