Feel the shock of strengthening the body magic gas, which makes the Rock Golden Magic Body show signs of collapse.


The magic finally changed his tactics and withdrew his hands, instead, he forced the magic gas to resist the sword of winning the snow.
However, the fighting demon obviously underestimated the powerful power and swordsmanship characteristics of the sword of winning snow with one sword.
When he urged the magic gas, he let the sword win the snow and found the flaw
Body instantly stops rotating, and all rotating firm but gentle swords are classified as the tattoo sword.
Then the sword wins the snow, and the sword pierces the condensed shock wave to the extreme, but it is hidden in the sword of God.
But seeing that this sword directly penetrated the magic defense, broke the magic spirit on his body surface and directly penetrated his heart.
This sword represents the failure of fighting demons in the eyes of most people.
However, at this moment, the demon’s eyes flashed with a rare purple mountain.
The flesh and blood penetrate through that chest by the God tattoo sword is as transient as steel clamping the body of the God tattoo sword.
At the same time, the bucket magic raised my hand with a finger and a finger with amazing freezing gas, and went straight to the sword to win the snow head.
Chapter 91 Wan Jian Guizong reappearance
The magic finger strength contains extremely strong frozen gas.
It’s so strong that when a sword beats snow at the last moment, eyebrows and hair will frost
Try again to pull the tattoo sword out of the demon fighting body.
However, when he found that the sword was still drawn, he let go decisively and the whole person quickly retreated.
While retreating, dodge the magic finger. Although it is powerful, its speed is not fast.
Therefore, when the sword wins the snow and tries to dodge, it finally avoids the finger of fighting demons.
In the ring, the sword wins the snow, and both hands look at the devil’s face full of dignified color.
See the bucket magic backhand inserted into the chest god tattoo sword pulled out and then threw it behind him.
Obviously, the devil didn’t intend to let the sword win the snow and easily get the sword during the recovery.
Watching the fighting demon win the battle with one sword, he said, "What kind of martial arts are you? What happened to being stabbed in the center?"
Grinned and looked at the sword to win the snow and said, "I won many monty stars in the magic people camp."
And the magic power that can be stabbed in the center by you is the immortal devil’s body.
Together with my predecessor, the Rock-like Golden Magic Body, which I inherited from the rock demon ancestor, is my strongest defense.
If you want to beat me, cut me into pieces.
Otherwise, you can really kill me in any wound.
Oh, of course, if you cut off my head, then I will die naturally.
But let’s see if you have the ability to cut my head off. "
The wound in the chest of the talking bucket monster actually keeps crawling and closes itself.
Then the magic gas flow of the fighting magic body directly closed the wound and connected the muscles.
Although the wound is not intact, it will not affect the battle for a short time.
Looking at walking slowly towards yourself, taking a deep breath and fighting the magic sword wins the snow, the whole person quickly calmed down.
After three or four breaths, the sword wins the snow and looks closer and closer. The devil reveals a smile.
"According to what you said just now, you should be regarded as a piece or beheaded, right?
In that case, I will have a good try to see if you are as enemy as you say. "
Speaking a sword is better than snow, turning a sword into a finger with both hands means that one hand stands in front of the eyebrows and the other hand naturally hangs down and points to the ground.
See the white firm but gentle since the sword wins the snow body week circulation.

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