Xiao Yan is a strange man, a man who is too afraid, but has no power to add dignity.


Li Lingyu thinks that either he is good at pretending or he is really in favor, so it is not the person she should contact.
When she got out of the car, Xiao Yan said, "My mother princess is in a hurry. I heard Jiong say that Xiao Li’s adult is exquisite, and I asked her for a landscape to relieve her boredom."
Li Lingyu smell speech should think for a moment.
"Naturally, it will take some time."
Xiao Yan is very kind. "Everything depends on adults’ wishes, and I want to draw first."
Li Lingyu didn’t want to go to his house, so he left. "If you paint the temple, you dare not thank it."
Xiao Yan "Youwen or against me? Today, I gave a banquet in the house, which is considered to be an intersection with Youwen. "
Chen Liuwang Wangfu entered the mansion just outside the west gate. It can be seen that the scenery in Xiao Yan’s temperament mansion is not rich and beautiful.
She praised "what a beautiful scenery"
Xiao Yan: "This is my cousin’s handwriting. Jiangnan aristocratic families are best at landscaping."
Li Lingyu also echoed that "the scenery in Jiangnan is really good"
Xiao Yan said, "My mother princess grew up in the south of the Yangtze River and missed the scenery there for many years."
Li Lingyu followed him into the temple and Xiao Yun introduced that "all the paintings in my room are Jiangnan scenery and have no names, which is a hobby."
Li Lingyu’s "Each painter has his own strengths, and there is really no need to pursue famous artists by personal hobbies."
Xiao Yan led her into her own room. In the slant hall, the whole slant hall was very spacious. He hid a lot. Li Lingyu actually saw many essays, travel notes, geographical and cultural records.
Xiao Yan is a person who is hard to refuse. His knowledge and speech are very comfortable. When he saw Li Lingyu looking up, he said, "If Li likes it, take it back."
Li Lingyu really likes "then thank the temple"
Xiao Yan said, "It is not serious for me to collect some travel notes."
Li Lingyu can’t take people’s modest words seriously with a smile and a rich prince.
Xiao Yan left her for dinner. When she looked at it, the children at home must still be waiting for her.
She said goodbye, "Today, my family is still waiting, and I dare not delay thanking the temple another day."
Xiao Yan sent someone to send her back when she saw that she was determined.
Before he reached the door, Jong Li said, "Today, the little bitch has been waiting for you for a day to give you a birthday."
Li Lingyu said with a smile; "I came back in a hurry today and didn’t bring them a present."
Jong Li took her arms and went in with her.
After an hour, Li Lingyu received a set of jade articles from Xiao Yan as a birthday present.
It is not unreasonable for Li Lingyu to accept the gift and think too much about Chen Liuwang.
Chapter 1 Little bitch
The jade was on the table, and he sat in his room thinking about what happened today.
Ah Fu saw that she didn’t light the lamp and didn’t wake up. She said, "Pei Jia sent an invitation today."
She, uh, doesn’t look at it.
Now the children have all gone back to the house and just sat in the dark.
It was not until Li Shu came in and lit the lamp that I saw her sitting there and exclaimed. Obviously, she was scared.
She quickly said, "Don’t be afraid of me."
Li Shu patted her chest and could not bear to blame her and asked, "What’s wrong with my brother? Why do you sit here alone without lighting a lamp? Why did you come back so late? "
She smiled. "I couldn’t take you to play today. I’m sitting here alone thinking about how to make amends to you."
Knowing that she was joking, Li Shu lit a lamp in the room and asked, "Is something wrong with my brother? I have never seen you like this. "
Li Lingyu asked, "What is it like?"
"A person is quiet in the dark, and my brother loves to be lively."
Li Lingyu sighed and asked, "Have you seen the invitation sent today?"
Li Shu was a little embarrassed to say, "Mother opened it, and Pei invited us to Pei’s home to attend the party one day."
At this time, A Zhu came in with her face on the table and cleaned up the desk, paper and pen for her. She said softly, "Don’t clean up, I’ll write a letter later."

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